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A new wisdom in the Willow's scroll

Sunday, October 30, 2005

By random twitch of circumstance we experience the fierce side of life. Today, I was rushed to the hospital because of a dislocated jaw. It was just because of a simple yawn and I thought I wasn’t going to survive the day. I tried to stay calm and successfully managed not to drool too much because at my condition I was still thinking about keeping my cool and trying not to look too unglamorous. I was about to pass out and the doctors in the emergency room just passed me by and I could really say that the interns were curious about what happened to me. My brother told me I was really pale, and I try as much as I can, not to look at myself in the mirror.

Despite the pain and my hopeless gasp for air, I stayed calm. I entertained myself with happy thoughts while I wait for doctors to finally do something about my condition. I patiently and quietly waited because I know that somebody else in the emergency room needs immediate care, much more than I do. There’s this guy who had this 3 day old open wound that needs to be stitched up. I saw the attending doctor insert the syringe needle, not on the surface of the skin but right through the wound itself! I could see his eyes twitch and his legs stretch in pain. And on the right side of the room was an old lady who had a head injury. In the next room I could hear another lady scream in pain. Whatever the cause may be, I didn’t want to know.

All I ever knew about the emergency room is that, it’s a room full of sick people, or helpless victims of stupidity but now I understand. That behind those swinging doors, there’s pain. But it’s more than just a torture room. It’s also a home for heroes. Heroes that wear white robes and kind faces. They’d come to your rescue. They came to my rescue, and thus the day ends. I took a deep breath and know…I’ve survived. And what helped me survive is the realization that whatever pain there is that you had to go through, there’s always a person out there suffering a greater pain. And even so, there’s a hero who’s going to come to your rescue.

posted by Cris Rene Denopol at 4:49 AM | Permalink |

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