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What makes a REAL MAN?

Friday, December 16, 2005
What's written here are not rules nor guidelines. They are laws. Laws that are as true and as universal as the laws of physics.

1. A REAL MAN NEVER engages himself in gossip sessions about other men. Most especially when the gossip is about that other man's sexuality. Men only talk about DOTA, basketball, girls, computers and philosophical stuffs.

2. A REAL MAN NEVER re-assures repeatedly his MANHOOD to other people even when other people jeers or doubts it. If you are secure about it, you can even openly joke about it. (When people think you're not much of a MAN aka bayot. Getting pikon whenever you're teased to be gay is a big NO NO)

3. A REAL MAN NEVER hurts a girl. Even if she broke your heart or even if she breaks it repeatedly for a million times, you should always stand by her as her friend and stand by her when the whole world turned their backs on her.

4. A REAL MAN NEVER holds back his tears because he thinks that crying is an admittance to weakness.

5. A REAL MAN NEVER cares what other people say. For him GOSSIP is always inferior to his own PRINCIPLES. And stands by it no matter what.

6. A REAL MAN is NEVER afraid to make big steps and he's NEVER afraid to make mistakes. Because he believes that MISTAKES aren't always a disadvantage to him or to the ones he love.

7. A REAL MAN NEVER makes excuses. He keeps his mouth shut to prevent more damage that he has already done. He'd just figure out a way to make up for the damage he had done.

8. A REAL MAN NEVER tells a girl useless flattery like "Your face is as beautiful as the full moon." He would rather make fun of her or push her away. Because MEN who are in the verge of falling in love are like BOYS who are scared of thunder.

9. A REAL MAN NEVER talks about how they courted a girl to other men. This is sooo #2.

10. A REAL MAN NEVER tries to EXCLUSIVELY hang with boys thinking that hanging with a girl or a group of girls makes him gay.

11. A REAL MAN NEVER use gay lingo. Once or twice or when telling jokes it's acceptable but to use it almost's a different thing.
posted by Cris Rene Denopol at 7:10 PM | Permalink |

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