Coming Home
If I look back in my life, there have been a lot of irreversible mistakes that have been made, so many tragic events, too much pain experienced, and I may think of it as a series of unfortunate events weaved together. But within the midst of these unfortunate events, I have realized that at the end of the day, I have a home to come home to. I have the warm loving arms of family to cradle me when I needed to cry. Some people are not lucky enough to have it. I cannot imagine how I could have been worse without my family by my side in my darkest hours. And I have God to thank for.
Last year have been a good year. And I appreciate how god stayed infinitely patient and kind to me despite me trying to drift away from him. I have mentioned before that someday, I’ll come running back to his arms. I guess I’m a few steps closer to becoming ready to do that. All I can say to him is that, I’m coming home…soon. I hope that he still has his arms wide open for me.