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Sunday, January 22, 2006
I've pondered on the concept of forgiveness today. What is the real meaning of forgiveness? Is it a disease or is it a cure? Is it a tradgedy or is it simply one of the many unexplained phenomenons of this universe? Why do we, or don't we forgive? Does it have anything to do with our so called "humanity"? Perhaps yes, perhaps not. One thing's for sure, a soul that leaves this world without it is doomed to live every unforgiving moment again and again for all eternity.

No fault or error is too big to be unforgiven. At least, I think so. And you might strongly disagree on this. But forgiving is not really inwards, it's outwards. Meaning, you forgive yourself first then you forgive the other persons involved. It's man's very nature to be selfish. He tends to absorb every drop of goodness in the world to the littlest morcel of negativity. Meaning, every tragic event in the world upsets him and initially throws the blame on himself. In turn, he becomes angry at the world. And the world becomes an unforgivable entity. But the biggest mistake of man here is to think that the world is unforgivable, while the fact to the matter is, he cannot compel himself to forgive the world because he refuses to believe that there is a need to forgive himself, therefore resulting to an "unforgivable self".

The reason why all these realizations came into mind is that, I have met a lot of angry people lately. And they seem to be consumed by their anger, unaware that they are loosing more of themselves along the way. I am sadened by this fact. I might not have admitted it to myself but I had an idea of a "perfect world". But when I found out that the world isn't what I had in mind, I was disappointed. My only advice to you and more importantly, to myself, is that, we should learn to forgive. Not for the world's sake, but for our own sake. Let us re-claim the peace of mind that was once ours. Let us focus in our dreams and look ahead. Life's too short to be wasted in anger. Let us also learn to accept the fact that the world would never be what we want it to be. And most of all, let us learn to forgive ourselves.
posted by Cris Rene Denopol at 5:26 AM | Permalink |

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